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 21_11 TotalRecall v4.1‏ ‏ برنامج تسجيل المكالمات الرائع والمعروف/تكريك اليوم

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


المساهمات : 33
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/01/2010

21_11 TotalRecall v4.1‏ ‏ برنامج تسجيل المكالمات الرائع والمعروف/تكريك اليوم Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: 21_11 TotalRecall v4.1‏ ‏ برنامج تسجيل المكالمات الرائع والمعروف/تكريك اليوم   21_11 TotalRecall v4.1‏ ‏ برنامج تسجيل المكالمات الرائع والمعروف/تكريك اليوم Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء يناير 26, 2010 1:07 pm

Killermobile TotalRecall v4.1 S60v3 v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned cr.acked-FoXPDA

21_11 TotalRecall v4.1‏ ‏ برنامج تسجيل المكالمات الرائع والمعروف/تكريك اليوم Wol_errorThis image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 967x277 and weights 95KB.
21_11 TotalRecall v4.1‏ ‏ برنامج تسجيل المكالمات الرائع والمعروف/تكريك اليوم Totalrecall967277banner

Total Recall by Killer Mobile is the best selling, feature packed Call Recorder

utility for Nokia S60 devices running the Symbian OS. Total Recall integrates

the most cutting edge beep suppression available to deliver high quality

recorded, beep free audio on most devices, and offers a rich feature set in

one extremely easy to use application.Total Recall allows you to easily record

all or just some of your calls.

21_11 TotalRecall v4.1‏ ‏ برنامج تسجيل المكالمات الرائع والمعروف/تكريك اليوم Superscreenshot001321_11 TotalRecall v4.1‏ ‏ برنامج تسجيل المكالمات الرائع والمعروف/تكريك اليوم Superscreenshot0014

Core Features Include:

* No Beep Recording ** (See notes below)

* Record up to the Limits of your Memory in AMR or WAV formats

* AutoSend Clips via MMS, HTTP* & Email

* Manually or AutoSend Clips via MMS, HTTP* & Email

* Intuitively Named Clips, rename, add notes and more!

* Extremely flexible recording scenarios

* Use as a full featured dictaphone app when not on calls, start recording using a convenient hot key

* Password Protection, Autostart and many more features!

Whats New :

Total Recall v4.10 for Nokia S60 3rd & 5th edition devices. This is a HUGE

update, hardly anything was left untouched:

* Brand new beep suppression technology delivers perfect audio quality on FP2 devices with NO beep (E52, E55, 6710, 5530 and N97 may beep on the device side only at a very low level).

* Entirely new UI

* More intuitive structure, and easier & more extensive options for auto sending recorded clips

* Improved Dictaphone handling with seperate audio format setting

* Universal WAV audio format support

* And way, way too many minor updates, feature enhancements and fixes to list
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21_11 TotalRecall v4.1‏ ‏ برنامج تسجيل المكالمات الرائع والمعروف/تكريك اليوم
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